Expert Germany Hybrid Annual General Meeting 2021

Under the motto, “Expert 6.0 – There for you in every channel”, this year’s Expert Germany Annual General Meeting took place from September 22nd to October 1st as a hybrid event format.
While the Expert SE General Meeting, our partner from Germany, last year had to take place purely virtually, Dr. Stefan Müller, CEO of Expert SE, said that this year he was able to combine the added value of a virtual event with that of a face-to-face event:
“We at expert are firmly convinced that personal exchange – even non-verbal, between the lines – is irreplaceable, the past few months have made this clear to us, ”explains Dr. Müller.
At the conference, the Expert board as well as the marketing and sales management presented the current and future focus areas of the Expert Group and gave the shareholders specific recommendations for action beyond the season.
“With a registration rate of 89% percent and over 1,200 virtual and physical participants, we were confirmed in this. The success of this event has shown us that a hybrid format is the event format of the future ", explains Dr. Stefan Müller, CEO of Expert SE.
The generally positive mood at the event showed how strong the solidarity in the Expert network is.
This fundamental satisfaction was also reflected in the shareholder/store manager satisfaction survey presented at the conference, in which all Expert SE shareholders and store managers were invited to give their feedback on the services and support provided to Expert SE headquarters and thus point out the potential for improvement.
More than 2,200 virtual and physical participants, 146 exhibitors, and 349 workshops.
“The positive feedback from our trade fair visitors and exhibitors shows that we have succeeded in professionally implementing a successful event with virtual and physical parts. “