Expert SE celebrated its 60th anniversary

Expert SE, our partner from Germany, celebrated its 60th birthday last month. As they reminded us, exactly 60 years ago ten family business joined forces to form the trading company Bild und Ton which is today’s Expert SE.
Now, Expert SE consists of a total of 405 locations throughout Germany and are proud to be able to look back on many exciting developments in the electronics industry together.
Expert SE celebrated its birthday at the Expert headquarters in Langenhagen with their families and friends at the Expert family festival with more than 800 visitors on site and various food and drink stands, a candy bar and attractions for people of all age. Also, visitors had a chance to view the headquartes and the new Fulfillment Center from a completely new perspective – with a balloon on the crane.
In addition to the celebrations for the 60th anniversary of Expert SE and our reviews of past milestones, we want to use our anniversary year to become even better together as a team. With our cross-location contest, the Expert Performance Cup, we therefore focus on the team performance of our experts and give the most successful teams the opportunity to pass on their best practice approach.
At the end of its birthday month, Expert SE is proud of the success story of the Expert group in Germany and the goal for the future remains the same – to provide customers with helpful and competent advice.
With the celebration of its 60th anniversary, Expert SE also celebrated 40 years of Expert technology in the electrical trade with their shareholders. This celebration took place in Hanover with visits to the Fulfillment Center in Langenhagen and gala dinner in Herrenhausen Castle.
And one interesting thing for the end – on the occasion of the company’s five-year existence, the trading company Bild und Ton became the Expert brand in 1967 – with the well-known star in the Expert logo also appearing for the first time. This memorable logo has been used since then for all centrally coordinated advertising and sales promotion, which increased sharply especially in the 70s for the establishment of the brand.